
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

His Timing is Perfect

  I've wanted to write a blog for sometime about where we were with fostering here in Louisiana. Every time I wrote one, I ended up deleting it.

  Late last night I wrote a blog about having to find patience in waiting. I wrote how we had been in limbo with the DHR here trying to get licensed using our classes from Alabama.

  I was in constant prayer over the whole situation. I wanted to keep trying to rush the process but the Lord wanted me to be still. I didn't want to rush the Lord's timing but I so desperately wanted it quickly. So as I wrote last night's blog, I prayed. I prayed for His will to be done, for no more bumps in the road caused from document errors, and for the child or children who would be placed in our home. I also prayed for my heart to be still.

  I just wanted to hear from someone and know where we were in the process. The last update I had was two weeks ago. We were told the supervisor would look over all of our documents from Alabama and if they transferred they would assign us to a case worker, let us know if we needed anymore documents, and set up a home study. I know DHR is busy so I was worried it would take forever. It's not I was desperate for more children but I wanted to know our credits would transfer. It's also exciting to know you are doing something the Lord has called you to do!

 I'm thankful for answered prayers! It is sweet to know our God hears us when we call.
  I received a call this morning from our assigned caseworker. (A plus is our assigned case worker is who we have been in contact with throughout the whole process.) He called with not only an update but with good news. All of our documents transferred! The only thing we have to do to be licensed is get updated medical physicals and pass our home study! Our home study is scheduled for next Thursday!

  We are all very excited to be starting again, especially Michael. Our case worker told us we would probably have a placement soon after being licensed. They are full with not many homes. We know the Lord has big plans here! Our hearts are ready and waiting.

I'm praying no child "needs" us but I'm also praying for the ones who will.

Pray with me.